Monday, December 31, 2007

Forests Update

I've overworked the forests. For X-Plane 9 users, I added forest exclusion regions around the airfields, so the runways should be clear of XP9 trees.

I also recommend this mini-update for XP8.x users, because I've worked on the forests too.
You'll find the update on the download page.

Work will go on

I started to flatten the terrain around the next 5 airfields:
  • FM17 - Isoanala
  • FM18 - Jangany
  • FMMP - Ambongalava
  • FMMW - Andriamena
  • FMNB - Ankaizina
The problem with the flattening is, that the terrain is changed by this action. So I have to try to keep this changes in a very small range. Flattening rises the surrounding terrain until the runway doesn't float above it anymore.

For testing the changes, I use Propsman's great Landrover AP. With the landrover, I can easily drive slalom along the runway and over the runway edges.
Anyhow, it means much trial and error for me - and countless restarts of X-Plane.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Update Version 1.1 Released

Today, I released the version 1.1 of the Madagascar Bush Airfields. There are 5 new airfields:

FM05 - Ampanavoana
FM07 - Ankilivalo
FM09 - Berenty
FM13 - Fiadanana
FM16 - Isalo

But that's not all! There are many new objects, new forest definitions and animations.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Objects optimized

I went thru the whole objects library today and tried to optimize the file size. Therefor I removed doublesided surfaces that were not necessary, searched for hidden surfaces to delete and so on.
Finally I saved several hundred kilobytes. 

It seems that the export scripts of Blender are more efficient than the plugin for AC3D. I was able to save about the half file size of some objects. The only case, where I kept the AC3D objects were objects with animation and objects where I had to use ATTR_no_blend (for example: trees objects).

All in all the whole package decreased in file size, so it's time to fill the gap with new additional objects. ;-)

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Briefing page added

Today, I added the "Briefing" page to this website. You'll find some missions there.