The Madagascar Bush Airfields project will be an ongoing project. The Scenery is based on a converted Microsoft Flightsimulator scenery by Pierre Mogenet. Without this conversion, I'd never had a chance to find out all the airfield data. So thanks Pierre for granting permission, to use your work.
After conversion, the package had a file size of about 7 MB. Then I started to build a library that contains all used objects. The next step was, creating additional objects. Meanwhile the package's file size is 20 MB.
One of the first steps, creating this scenery, was to flatten the surface around the airfields. Otherwise there were floating runways. This was done before the release of WED, so I had to write all coordinates to the apt.dat by hand. Sometimes it was extremely hard to find out, why the runway was still floating. But now all 50 bush airfields are usable.
After checking all 50 airfields, the next step followed: Creating typical trees for the Madagascar bush. When I finished the graphic work in Photoshop, I had to create the forest definition files. This are simple text files that reference single parts of the trees image. The forest definitions define the distance between trees, percentage of occurrences of the various trees, minimum and maximum height and the number of quads that a single tree uses.
I had to create different types of forests and I also used various densities. This was a lot of work, but nothing against placing the forests.
There seems no way to automate this task. The only landcover data that I found, use a raster of 1 km. That's way too much for doing a accurate work. So I have to draw the forest polygons by hand (using Marginals OverlayEditor). I quickly found out that this is a huge amount of work, but it's worth it. The forests are looking much better and more naturally than every forest created by automation.
X-Plane does not have many NAV aids at Madagascar (I don't know whether there are more in real life), so you'll have to do most flights VFR. It's always good if you can follow a river or a road. For this reason, my first efforts where to populate the river shores with trees.
DON'T EXPECT TOO MUCH YET! I placed trees along some major rivers and around about 15 airfields. The rest will follow piece by piece.
We ( are building aircraft for X-Plane, so the time for working on the scenery is very rare. For most of our new and updated aircraft, we already used scenes of this package as backdrops. Believe me! It's a lot of fun, to fly our bush planes at Madagascar.